Title: Doctor
Research groups: CNPq (Google Translator version)

Participation in projects:

Title Starting datesort ascending Deadline (months) Participation in the project
01/07/2010 30 Researcher *


Participants in examination boards:

Title Name Defense datesort ascending Course
AUDREY NOVELLI GONÇALVES 29/02/2024 Master's in Mechanical Engineering
RAFAEL DE ALMEIDA 11/12/2023 Master's in Mechanical Engineering
Drop Rise and Interfacial Coalescence Initiation in Complex Materials LUCAS HENRIQUE PAGOTO DEOCLECIO 10/11/2023 PhD in Mechanical Engineering
LUCCA DALVI VARGAS MELO 23/08/2023 Master's in Mechanical Engineering
IGOR MARTINS PIMENTEL CAPISTRANO 31/07/2023 Master's in Mechanical Engineering


Disciplines taught:

Academic termsort ascending Code Name Hours Course
2023/2 PGEM6612 Theory and Design of Thermo-Fluid Instrumentation 45 Master's in Mechanical Engineering
2023/2 PGEM7612 Theory and Design of Thermo-Fluid Instrumentation 45 PhD in Mechanical Engineering
2023/1 PGEM7605 Compressible Fluids Flow 45 PhD in Mechanical Engineering
2023/1 PGEM6605 Compressible Fluids Flow 45 Master's in Mechanical Engineering
2022/1 PGEM7612 Theory and Design of Thermo-Fluid Instrumentation 45 PhD in Mechanical Engineering


Guided Students:

Name Title Defense datesort ascending Role Type
HUGO VERGILIO CURTO NETTO 18/03/2022 Advisor * MSc dissertation
THIAGO DE FREITAS HULLE SANT'ANNA 09/07/2021 Advisor * MSc dissertation
LIGIA GAIGHER FRANCO Methodologies to mitigate attenuating effects in flare gas flow measurement by ultrasonic technology at low pressure and high carbon dioxide concentration 29/05/2020 Advisor * MSc dissertation
FADY ABOUJAOUDE 18/12/2017 Advisor * MSc dissertation
SILVANA NUNES BARCELLOS 28/07/2017 Advisor * MSc dissertation


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