
The Program has access to the INTEGRATED LIBRARY SYSTEM OF UFES (SIB/UFES), which consists of six units: Central Library, Technological Sectoral Library, Health Sciences Sectoral Library, CEUNES Sectoral Library, Agricultural Sciences Sectoral Library, and Nedtec Sectoral Library.
Of these units, the ones of greatest interest to the Program are the Central Library and the library of the TECHNOLOGICAL CENTER.
Additionally, the Program also has a collection available in the laboratories, acquired with resources from various research projects.
The Central Library, a supplementary body directly linked to the Rectorate, coordinates the technical procedures of all SIB/UFES units necessary for providing information for the activities of Teaching, Research, Extension, and Administration at UFES.
SIB/UFES is computerized, with over a hundred computers connected to the internet. We actively participate in the CAPES JOURNAL PORTAL, which serves as a valuable tool for the development of research activities, particularly in Stricto Sensu Graduate Courses. Besides access within SIB/UFES facilities, professors and students also access the CAPES Portal from various teaching units. In addition to direct access within UFES facilities, UFES professors, students, researchers, and staff can access the CAPES Journal Portal from outside UFES in two ways: (cf.): I - Through the Federated Academic Community (CAFe), using the MY SPACE link in the upper right corner of the Portal page, individuals can use UFES’s institutional identification, as UFES has been part of CAFe since 2011; II - Through SAR - Remote Access Service to the CAPES Journal Portal, created at the end of 2008 through a partnership between the Pro-Rectorate of Research and Graduate Studies (PRPPG), the Data Processing Center (NPD), and the Central Library.
SIB/UFES is part of the following networks: PERGAMUM, BIREME, COMUT, BIBLIODATA, REBAP, REBAE, CCN, ISTEC. Among the services offered by SIB/UFES, we highlight:
Online catalog
Home loan
User training
Bibliographic survey
Guidance and Standardization of Academic Works
Bibliographic interchange
Reservation of bibliographies used in courses
Cataloging in Publication
Web page
Digital Library
Interlibrary loan
Guidance and training on the Journal Portal
Publication of Dissertations and Theses in the Digital Library
Last but not least, we want to mention the DIGITAL LIBRARY OF THESES AND DISSERTATIONS OF UFES (BDTD/UFES). It was created in 2006 and provides full access to the content of Theses and Dissertations defended in the Stricto Sensu Graduate Courses at UFES, and is integrated into the National BDTD, maintained by IBICT. This BDTD complies with CAPES Ordinance No. 13, dated February 15, 2006, which requires the submission of Theses and Dissertations in both printed and electronic formats and their availability on the internet.

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Av. Fernando Ferrari, 514 - Goiabeiras, Vitória - ES | CEP 29075-910