Title: Doctor
Research groups: CNPq (Google Translator version)

Participation in projects:

Title Starting datesort ascending Deadline (months) Participation in the project
Erosion Resistant Antifouling DLC Coatings for Petroleum Production Valves and Pipes 09/10/2024 99 Coordinator *
01/07/2015 180 Coordinator *
01/06/2013 120 Coordinator *
02/01/2013 120 Coordinator *
22/03/2010 120 Coordinator *

Participants in examination boards:

Title Name Defense datesort ascending Course
CINTIA NUNES BRAGA REGATTIERI 07/07/2006 **MSc in Mechanical Engineering**
ROSENTAL ALVES GIRELLI 02/06/2006 **MSc in Mechanical Engineering**
SANDRO MAURO DE CARVALHO 15/04/2005 **MSc in Mechanical Engineering**
WANDER PACHECO VIEIRA 17/12/2004 **MSc in Mechanical Engineering**
EVERALDO BOWEN CARVALHO 08/10/2004 **MSc in Mechanical Engineering**


Disciplines taught:

Academic termsort ascending Code Name Hours Course
2022/2 PGEM7110 Tribology 45 PhD in Mechanical Engineering
2022/2 PGEM6110 Tribology 45 Master's in Mechanical Engineering
2022/1 PGEM6104 Fracture Mechanics 45 Master's in Mechanical Engineering
2022/1 PGEM7104 Fracture Mechanics 45 PhD in Mechanical Engineering
2021/2 PGEM6112 Surface and Interfacial Forces 45 Master's in Mechanical Engineering


Guided Students:

Name Title Defense datesort ascending Role Type
LEANDRO ALMEIDA DUTRA 27/04/2010 Advisor * MSc dissertation
FLÁVIO PAREIRAS MARQUES 18/12/2009 Advisor * MSc dissertation
DIEGO PAGOTO CALVI 14/12/2009 Advisor * MSc dissertation
BRUNO MARTINS FILHO 22/12/2008 Advisor * MSc dissertation
JOÃO PAULO BARBOSA 31/10/2008 Advisor * MSc dissertation


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