Mechanical Behavior of Materials
Code: PGEM6102
Course: Master's in Mechanical Engineering
Credits: 3
Hourly load: 45
Bibliography: Barber, J.R. Elasticity. Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht. 2nd Edition, 410p., 2002.
Den Hartog, J.P. Advanced Strength of Materials. Dover Publications, New York, 378p., 1987. (Republication of the work originally published by
McGraw-Hill Co., 1952).
D.Isa, F.A. Mechanics of Metals. Addison-Wesley Publishing, Reading, 376p., 1968.
Dowling, N.E. Mechanical Behavior of Materials . Engineering methods for deformation, fracture and fatigue. Prentice Hall, New Jersey. 2nd
Edition, 830p., 1999. Ewalds, H.L.; Wanhill, R.J.J. Fracture Mechanics. Edward Arnold & Delftse Vitgevers Maatschappij, London, 304p., 1986.
Frost, N.E.; Marsh, K.J. and Pook, L.P. Metal Fatigue. Dover Publications, New York, 499p., 1999. (Republication of the work originally published
by Oxford University Press, 1974).
Hearn, E.J. Mechanics of Materials. International Series on Materials Science and Technology, vol. 19. Pergamon Press, Oxford. 2nd Edition,
913p., 1985.
Hertzberg, R.W. Deformation and Fracture Mechanics of Engineering Materials. John Wiley & Sons, New York. 4th Edition, 786p., 1996.
Juvinall, R.C. Engineering Considerations of Stress, Strain and Strength. McGraw-Hill Book Co., New York, 580p., 1967.
Pastoukhov, V.A.; Voorwald, H.J.C. Introdução à Mecânica da Integridade Estrutural. Editora Unesp, 192p., 1995.
Rachid, M.; Libardi, W. Introdução à Teoria da Elasticidade. Editora da UFSCar, São Carlos, 161p., 1992.
Rekach, V.G. Problemas de la Teoria de la Elasticidad. Editorial Mir, Moscou, 388p., 1978.
Suresh, S. Fatigue of Materials. Cambridge University Press. 2nd Edition, 689p., 1998. Timoshenko, S.P.; Goodier, J.N. Teoria da Elasticidade.
Editora Guanabara Dois, Rio de Janeiro. 3a Edição, 545p., 1980.
Dieter, GE, Metalurgia Mecânica Ed. Guanabara Dois sa, Ed. II, 1982.