
Course offering:

2023/2 2023/1


Code Namesort descending Degree Hours
PGEM6112 Surface and Interfacial Forces Master's degree 45
PGEM7112 Surface and Interfacial Forces Doctoral degree 45
PGEM7710 Teaching Internship I Doctoral degree 15
PGEM7710 Teaching Internship I Doctoral degree 15
PGEM7711 Teaching Internship II Doctoral degree 15
PGEM7711 Teaching Internship II Doctoral degree 15
PGEM7712 Teaching Internship III Doctoral degree 15
PGEM7712 Teaching Internship III Doctoral degree 15
PGEM6612 Theory and Design of Thermo-Fluid Instrumentation Master's degree 45
PGEM7612 Theory and Design of Thermo-Fluid Instrumentation Doctoral degree 45


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Av. Fernando Ferrari, 514 - Goiabeiras, Vitória - ES | CEP 29075-910